What a year.
What a bonkers year.
What a tragic year.
What an inspiring year.
We’ve seen a lot happen this year, haven’t we? We’ve seen people fall apart and come together. We’ve seen tragedy and chaos. We’ve seen hope.
And it still goes on. Really none of the things we started dealing with at the beginning of the year have had a resolution. The pandemic rages on. People are still violently divided on a range of issues. We all want 2020 to be over, but what is 2021 going to bring? Is any of this going to be over? Will we have any semblance of a plan to deal with any of this?
Who knows?
I certainly don’t. And, quite frankly, if I could go live alone on an island that was safe and had the resources I needed, I would. I’m tired and sad and angry and over it. I’m over it.
I’m over people not caring about each other. I’m over people putting politicians on pedastals. I’m over not seeing anyone. I’m over the hate.
Just…be good. Stop telling people how you think they should live and let them live. Christ. Do good. Come together. Unite. It isn’t hard. Your neighbor is not the enemy.
Stop letting the mega wealthy get rich of our suffering.
Stop killing the planet.
Stop hurting human beings.
This is turning into some weird manifesto. I really do believe the citzenry is ultimately good. I believe, if we came together, we could do great things. If we just stopped arguing for two seconds and realized what the real problem is, then we’d realize real power.
I hope that happens someday.